Finnish-German Tradeguild (Finnisch-Deutsche Handelsgilde) in NRW and Center for Mindfulness invite you to join us for an inspiring introduction to the mindfulness-based emotional intelligence training program developed at Google and backed by the latest neuroscience. 

This introductory session tells you what to expect and how to proceed if you strive to harness your very own and your team’s full potential in these challenging times.

The SIY-program teaches mindfulness and emotional intelligence skills that lead to sustained peak performance, resilience, strong collaboration and effective leadership. Facilitated by Leena and Petri Pennanen, both SIY Certified Teachers, this SIY evening session is an inspiring and interactive introduction to mindfulness-based emotional intelligence skills with practical applications that participants can incorporate into their life immediately.

When and where:

Date: Thursday, December 10th, 2020

Time: 18:00 – 20:00

Venue: Virtual event

Once registered, you will receive the login details by email.

 How to register:

Follow this link for registration:

What to expect from this Search Inside Yourself evening session?

The training includes:

  • A brief introduction into the neuroscience supporting mindfulness and emotional intelligence.
  • The role of attention training and self-awareness in enhancing focus, improving resilience, reducing reactivity and developing empathy.
  • Short, foundational exercises to focus attention, calm the mind and enhance connection and compassion.

The event is free of charge for participants!

About the teachers:
 Pennanen is a true pioneer in Mindfulness-based trainings in Finland and in Europe. She founded her company, Center for Mindfulness/Finland almost 20 years ago and has ever since played a key role in bringing the benefits of Mindfulness into mainstream in the private sector, health care and into businesses in Finland. Her company is one of a handful of global collaboration partners of the Brown University Mindfulness Center, MA/USA. Last year, a cooperation agreement was also signed with the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI), CA/USA.  In 2017, Leena became the proud holder of the Sole Entrepreneurship Prize of the Year in Helsinki area.

Petri Pennanen has an MBA from INSEAD (90D) and has held leading roles in sales, marketing and M&A at GE Capital in Germany for more than 20 years. Prior to joining Leena in the family business, starting 2018, Petri was for four years MD of a Supply Chain Finance Company in Munich.